I always had few questions in my mind and I used to ask myself ,"who are angels, do they really exist in this world ,are they visible? "
These questions often came to my mind and disturbed me a lot and I'm sure that we all want to know the answers of these questions . We all want to know about angels.
Whenever I thought about angels, these questions made me restless . But one day I met someone and got the answers of all my questions. When I met her, I realized that yes , Angels exist in this world and they are visible to everyone.And you'll be surprise to know that they are all around us. We all have angels in our life .We all are surrounded by them. We just have to find them out.
"Angels are the special agents of God." God has sent them to make this world more beautiful. It is very easy to find your Angel .Your Angel can be among your family members ,among your colleagues and among your friends.you just need to recognise him/ her.
Angels are the special children of God and God has sent them in our life for special tasks. They bring smile on everyone's face selflessly. They always help us when we are in trouble. They always stand by our side and protect us with all their might.
I have an angel in my life .She is the one who spreads happiness and love among us .She wipe my tears ,even if she herself is upset from inside. She make her best effort just to make me smile. I'm so blessed and thankful to God that he has sent her in my life.
Our Angels are all around us ,we just fail to recognise them sometimes . I hope you find your Angel like I found mine.
- Mrinalini Sharma